caffeinatedfae's reviews
993 reviews

The Vampire Handbook by P.J. Jones

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This book had some funny parts to it but it wasn't anything special. If you enjoy bashing "Twilight" then this book is for you.
An On Dublin Street Christmas by Samantha Young

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A cute short story to get us our Braden & Joss fix.
Marco's Redemption by Lynda Chance

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This was an interesting book. The main character Marco was a jealous asshole. He basically stalked the other main character. Kept her in his house to be the maid and then decided to add prostitute on top of the maid part. I definitely understand the attraction to a dominant man. I however would never in my life allow to be treated like Natalie. Marco was a controlling man who wanted sex anywhere and everywhere and seemed to be uninterested in how Natalie felt.

I did find this novel entertaining and the dominance was attractive. I however would have enjoyed reading about a healthy relationship where the woman was not in dept to the man and the man wasn't a "He-man, caveman."
Waking Up Married by Mira Lyn Kelly

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It kept me entertained and it was a quick read (which is what I wanted). I didn't really take anything away from this novel. It was short, semi sweet, and a little bit dirty. Nothing special, but it was entertaining.
Leopard Moon by Jeanette Battista

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This was an entertaining read. I found myself engrossed with the plot. I did find that the characters were depthless. Kess does struggle with what happened between her and her brother but I found myself believing that the Mac was a little too perfect. All in all it was a good read, just not something special.
Killing Time by Cindy Gerard

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So, I just fan girled out. I loved this novel. Mike and Eva were amazing. I loved how Eva was not a helpless woman but a kick ass woman who constantly pulled her weight.

I love Cindy Gerard's characters. Her books always bring a smile to my face and usually I end up with a tear in my eye by the end. I loved the introduction into this new series. I am glad that Gabe had a prominent role in this novel. It mad me Eeek in excitement. This book definitely gave me my BOI fix. I will definitely read this series.
Rebecca's Lost Journals, Volume 1: The Seduction by Lisa Renee Jones

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This wasn't anything spectacular but it was a good introduction into the life of Rebecca. It is short but worth the $.99 that I paid for it.
Tempting the Beast by Lora Leigh

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Hmmm... How many times can a book say the C word... I am not a prude but using the C word over 10 times in a chapter is just...different.

I thought that the basic consept of this novel was interesting. This was a quick read. The characters were interesting yet unrealistic. The main girl character made me want to scream half the time. The sex was a little too much, most of the time I had to just turn my brain off and try not to think that it was sexually assault. I understand that at the moments of passion the brain turns off and they are animalistic but seriously, it read like a woman's wet dream and not like a thought out novel.
A Kiss at Midnight by Eloisa James

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This was a really cute novel. I really enjoyed reading it. It was predictable but that is to be expected when a novel is based off of a fairy tale. I found myself engrossed in this novel. It was a nice escape from reality. I will definitely look into reading more novels by this author. The writing was spectacular, and it was very imaginative.
Mime Very Own Book by Adam Mock, Doug Jones, Scott Allen Perry

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This was really interesting. I have been challenging myself to read things that I normally wouldn't. This picture book was hilarious. I found the mime pictures to be creative and entertaining. It was something very unique. I am glad that this was a book I picked up and flow through. I do wish that the pictures were larger. They were a little hard to read/see/enjoy on my Nook.