caffeinatedfae's reviews
992 reviews

Midnight Sun by M.J. Fredrick

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This book was entertaining but not really anything more. It is a quick and easy read. The characters are likable. I found it entertaining but I wanted more out of it. I felt like the author told me how the characters were feeling and didn't show me.

All in all it was a well written book that kept me entertained. It was quick and easy.
Show No Mercy by Cindy Gerard

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I really enjoyed this book. I found that the storyline was not predictable and that I was constantly on the edge of my couch reading this book. I finished this book in 24 hours. It was extremely good and I found myself captured by this book.

The writing was better than I expected. Most romance books that I have read are poorly written and filled with smut. I found that this book was well written and I didn't feel like the sex was too over the top.

The characters were lovable and I found myself laughing many times. I loved all of the characters and felt like the author knew what she was talking about.

All in all, this was a very good book. I will definitely look into Cindy Gerard's books in the future.
Father Mine: Zsadist and Bella's Story by J.R. Ward

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This was a cute novella. I'm glad that I decided to read it. I loved that it gave even more depth to Zsadist.

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone reading the series.
Zylan Captive by Ravyn Wilde

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This was a terrible book. Basically the main character is very flat. There is absolutely not depth to any of the characters. I feel like I lost brain cells reading this book. It was a fast read but definitely not worth my time. I should have stopped reading it.
Take No Prisoners by Cindy Gerard

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This was a great book, I found myself very entertained and I loved the characters. Cindy Gerard really does know how to create characters that you fall in love with. I read this book very fast and I will definitely continue on in this series.
Whisper No Lies by Cindy Gerard

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Yet another great book by Cindy Gerard. I fell in love with the characters and I couldn't put this book down. Cindy Gerard has a wonderful way of creating characters that you will fall in love with. The men are down right sexy and very intelligent. I do wish that the book were longer so that I had more to read. Every time I finish one of these books I have a slight regret that I actually finished it.
By Royal Command by Laura Navarre

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I enjoyed this book. At times I did find it a little tiresome but all in all it kept me entertained and wanting to read more. I felt like the characters were easy to relate to and that I kept hoping that life would work out.

I felt that the book dragged a little bit but not enough for me to get irritated at the slow nature of the book. All in all, it kept me entertained. I may read more from this author but I think I will stick to faster paced books.