booksthatstay's reviews
74 reviews

The Forty Rules of Love by Elif Shafak

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"East, West, South, or North makes little difference. No matter what your destination, just be sure to make every journey, a journey within. If you travel within, you'll travel the whole wide world and beyond." - Elif Shafak, The Forty Rules of Love

This is one of those rare gems that is bound to stay with you long after you have read it❤. It is much more than a love story. This is a story of a 40-year-old Ella who realizes that she is in an unhappy marriage. And then she takes the best decision of her life- to become a reader for a literary agent
City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi by William Dalrymple

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From the riots of 1984 to Indraprastha, the mythical city of Pandavas, this travelogue has covered it all.

Having been brought up in Delhi and being a history buff that I am, I kept pondering over whether I will get any new insights or details which I am not already aware of.

Not only did I get new insights but was also able to understand what lead to the cascade of events that has shaped the 'modern' Delhi - Delhi as we know today!

This book is written in more of a candid conversation style and will have you hooked from the very first page.

As William Dalrymple has mentioned and what still holds true even today is that, different areas of Delhi have preserved intact different centuries, even different millenia.
Here, minds set in different ages walk the same pavements drink the same water, and return to the same dust.

After having read the book, I cannot agree more that Delhi is " a portrait of a city disjointed in time, a city whose different ages lay suspended side by side as in aspic, a city of djinns".

Read this book to not just understand the history of Delhi, of it's very famous monuments, it's culture, but to also understand how it was able to rebuilt itself every single time, like a phoenix from the fire.
Fit For Success: Lessons On Achievement And Leading Your Best Life by Nick Shaw, Bob Harper

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"Hard work is the only thing that actually creates success. A brilliant inventor might have hundreds of ideas, but if he or she is too lazy to write them down, to expand on them, and to do the legwork to develop them, then that investor will achieve zero success." - Nick Shaw, Fit For Success

This book is now my latest most favourite non-fiction, self-help book!☺️ The book begins with a very moving preface, where the author's wife has shared her story and has explaind how in the face of darkness she chose to be positive and grateful. Her husband's principles of self-improvement helped her stay motivated and feel all the more positive.

The very moving preface is followed by a wonderful foreword by Bob Harper, where he has shared how Nick's fitness company, Renaissance Periodization, and his principles helped him continue his lifestyle with lesser restrictions compared to what he had anticipated.

The author, [a:Nick Shaw|7858237|Nick Shaw|] has shared some very important and practical lessons on ways to achieve our goals.
He has focused heavily on the importance of strengthening our desire to work.

As per the author, successful people have three related abilities in great abundance -
Know Your Strengths: A Practical Guide on Realizing One's Power and Self-worth by Sophia Kaankuka

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This is a self help book that discusses the power of belief in oneself. As the author @sophiakaankuka has herself mentioned that, she too went through a series of self doubts before finally penning down all her thoughts on a paper and only then did she realize that she had the potential to fulfill her dream of becoming an author.

At first she thought that her writing won't bring about any change in the society or won't make a difference. But then she told herself that she can be better. She told herself that she has the required caliber and can definitely improve. And that is the message she has tried to convey through this book.

She has emphasized heavily on the importance of believing in ourselves and in our dreams! With the help of some amazing quotes and case studies, she has tried to highlight the key barriers that are often encountered by us and the various ways in which they can be tackled.

I really liked the lovely and highly impactful quotes that she has mentioned. Overall its a simple and impactful read.