nice little story with some real facts/ people but fictionalization of it.
it was well written and a good story.
i didn’t feel particularly connected to either the story nor the characters which is why i can’t personally rate it higher - the story itself was interesting and i don’t know if the author needs a longer way to build a connection between the story and the reader of if i just didn’t connect - no idea.
either way it was interesting and overall well done.
Fun and entertaining and a good read for middle graders.
If you have a middle grader that enjoys a supernatural book? This is a nice one to get for them.
The translation was well done, the illustrations nice and the overall story okay.
I personally don’t think it’s the best book for anyone over the age of 13, since it is a bit childishly done and while a lot of middle grade books are easily enjoyed and equally good for oder and younger readers, this particular one is one I personally don’t think fits that bill. But it doesn’t have to, it’s a middle grade book so it only has to be for the specific age group that it’s for and it does that.
Gefüllt mit Informationen über Hexen, angefangen von was es bedeutet, wo das Wort womöglich herkommt über die Hexenjagd hin bis was es heute ist, so wie Anmerkungen über die Popularität bestimmter Hexen (mir gefällt besonders das Willow erwähnt wurde aus der TV show Buffy - I’m Bann der Dämonen, da dieser Charakter und ihr Dasein zu ihrer Zeit im Fernsehen einige Rahmen gesprengt hat!) und endet mit einer Zusammenfassung von Dingen die man fast als Grundwissen für einen Hexenlehrling bezeichnen könnte (oder suche unnachgiebig nur interessante Infos über bestimmte Pflanzen und Tiere und deren Geschichte.)
Persönlich finde ich es ist eher ein Buch das für über 12 jährige ist, was lediglich daran liegt das ich denke für die meisten Leser die jünger sind vieles von dem Buch zu unverständlich und/oder kompliziert sein könnten und man ab 12 doch schon etwas mehr wissen hat, besonders mit historischen Momenten, griechischen göttern und bestimmten Medien wie zum Beispiel b+Buchserien und TV Shows. Das heißt nicht das kontere Leser nicht ebenfalls davon etwas lernen können, nur das ich denke sie brauchen entweder etwas Hilfe um alles zu verstehen oder müssen etwas nachschlagen.
Im ganzen ist es ein tolles Buch und super interessant gestaltet und gefüllt mit guten Informationen!
Definitiv ein super Buch nicht nur für Hexen Liebhaber und interessiere an dem Thema, sondern auch für jeden der etwas über die überwegs brutale und tödliche aber interessante Geschichte vieler Frauen auf der ganzen Welt erfahren will.
Süße nette gute Nacht Geschichte (oder überhaupt zum vorlesen, egal welche Uhrzeit) die ganz das bietet was der Titel verspricht.
Es ist für jeden, aber ich denke besonders toll zu lesen für alle Locken und Wildere Haar Besitzer die vielleicht erst sehen müssen was für Wunder in ihnen steckt.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
A strange little magical realism treated story that left me as confused about what it was about and what happened and how as it did when I started it.
Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing just didn’t expect to have no idea what was going on, going into this story.
The writing was okay -it felt a little clunky and plump in some instances ( for example at some point the police man wants to be careful and not too direct while questioning the suspect and says „are you a whore?“. Which, I mean I am not the expert at always knowing what’s okay to say kn any given situation but that’s not a particularly carefully worded way to start a conversation) which I Jeveraner if it was done purposely or not.
It was still an interesting if very strange read and if you have a few minutes and are interested, why not give it a quick read? It’s not even 30 pages!
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
this did have a very Doyle-esc feel to the writing and story telling and if it wouldn’t have been as long and a bit dragged out it would have felt like an actual real Holmes story.
so clearly this author can write and tell a story in ways that if you love the original holmes stories by doyle this is a good addition.
i even enjoyed the mystery.
but this book was a 100 pages or so to long for me.
look i love running around with Holmes in any format i can get it in (movies, shows or books? give it to me!) but i like the shorter format of how it’s mostly done with the individual cases. Holmes does his work in a way (and it is done well jn this book, just a smithed to slow for me to love it!) when the spectator sees him take everything in, question some situations, visit a place or two and then does his big reveal of the case as if it should have been obvious from the second the time was seen.
trying to add some layers to that never works for me.
that’s a personal preference but it’s my review so: i didn’t love this but i enjoyed it okay.
i think it’s a good addition to the Holmes book series and it’s a nice read overall.
but be prepared that it can get a bit slow in the middle.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
this was lovely.
well written and nicely plotted out, filled with well done characters.
it had some pacing issues since some sections were really slow and especially the climax and big reveal all happened to fast and basically all at once and the lead up to those final reveal moments felt rushed -almost as if the author remembered that the book had to end now and it all had to be solved and revealed still.
but while i think those moments could have been done better i didn’t kind the slow moments and the long build up.
i enjoyed Signa as a character a lot and absolutely loved Death!
i didn’t love the ending cliffhangers for this type of story isn’t my favorite. i would prefer it if authors just make me want to pick up the next book because i want to be back with the characters and experience a new thing with them instead of being left with this open ending of sorts. but it wasn’t horrible just not my preferred way.
all in all very enjoyable and a good experience and i am excited to continue on and see what Signa will experience next.