berrynee's reviews
201 reviews

Kingdom of the Cursed by Kerri Maniscalco

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sadly i did not vibe with this book


Since this was probably one of the most anticipated books this year it would be an understatement to say that I had high expectations. My expectations for this book were actually too high because I was easily disappointed by many parts of it. Not to mention that chapter.
I think that it was an alright book but I have to rate it this way considering that I didn't enjoy it that much.
Perfect on Paper by Sophie Gonzales

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★★★★☆ - 4 stars!

this was such a nice read. perfect on paper is a great example of a book that is fast paced but at the same time none of the plot feels rushed.
i loved the relationships in this book so much. ray and brooke have my heart as well as darcy and alexander!!
also the ending was perfectly done in my opinion.
overall this was so refreshing and cute and it menaged to keep me entertained from beginning to end.
Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller

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Did not finish book.
DNF at 20%

A boring book and very dissappointing for me. Alosa, the main character drove me insane. She thinks she's better than everyone else and I don't like stuck up characters. I also didn't feel like there was a good chemistry between her and the male lead.

No thank you.
The Mask of Mirrors by M.A. Carrick

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★★★★☆ - four stars

Reading this book was a long long journey.

First of all, this is a hefty book with more than five hundred pages, which is not a bad thing at all. The problem was that at some points i was struggling to find the time to read it and i always felt like i was never gonna finish it.
In the end i powered through it and it was worth it because the final part of the book was amazing.

In “Mask of Mirrors” we follow the main character, Arenza Lenskaya, who is a con artist while she tries to infiltrate a noble House Traementis by pretending to be their cousin. But the plot of the book revolves also around many other characters that are all equipped by their own unique life stories and struggles.

The world building and the plot were really good but tiring at the same time. Not much action happened until the 70% mark and I was really just reading it to see what happens and to avoid one more book marked as dnf. Thankfully, the plot quickened and shit started happening and that is when i was almost glued to my seat while devouring every single word.

When it comes to characters they were all really decent but I didn’t feel attached to anyone except for one and only Derossi Vargo, crime lord turned businessman. He was totally my type of character, charming and mysterious at the same time. I’m so happy that I received an arc of the second book because for him I’m gonna start reading it immediately!
Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi

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i just realised that this wasn’t marked as read even though i did read it… three years ago?!
anyways i loved this book and the characters so five stars it gets.
Caraval by Stephanie Garber

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➸ four stars

This book really surprised me because it wasn’t what I imagined it would be. Caraval is a greatly constructed and fun magical world that I had so much fun reading about. But, it wasn’t the best YA fantasy book I’ve ever read and I feel like people overhyped this one as well. At least in my case. If I had read this book two years ago it would have been a five star read.

Even though it was interesting to follow Scarlett while she tried to solve Legend’s riddles in order to find her sister Tella and receive a magical wish, the plot felt really flat at some points. I wasn’t really all that invested in the mystery behind the game or Caraval’s master which sucks because I was really excited to read this book.

What I did really like is the relationship between Scarlett and Julian. The tension was immaculate and all the twists and turns they had to go through, now that was peak content! When it comes to other characters they didn’t really amuse me that much sadly and I really hated Tella for a hot second because she was acting like a brat and was so frustrating. Thankfully, the ending of this book is really satisfying and all the present problems were resolved while at the same time we are left with a promise of more mystery in the second book.

Thanks to everyone that recommended this book to me because it was really good, not perfect, but good overall. I see myself loving this series and I can’t wait to read the sequel!
Legendary by Stephanie Garber

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➼ five stars

“Every good story needs a villain. But the best villains are the ones you secretly like.”

This book was surprisingly better than the first. While I did like Caraval I felt like some of the plot was boring and the game that they played was very tiresome to read about. In Legendary I liked everything from romance to Legend’s game.

When I started reading this I was prepared to be disappointed but that’s not what happened in the end. That’s mostly because of the characters. I hated Tella in the first book and I thought that she was so annoying and dumb basically but now I realise that I had her all wrong. I think that she is a much more interesting character than Scarlett and we really got to see her way of thinking. She is adventurous, brave and a really strong female character.

When it comes to Jacks, I really wanted to like him but he felt so bland and that makes me so sad.

Dante and Tella are a great couple in my opinion and I just loooved all of their scenes together and how they bickered all the time. They both wanted to stay away from each other but they couldn’t. I will be reading the third book for them.

All the plot twists in this book were kinda predictable but I still can’t wait to see how everything is gonna be resolved in the final book.
Spells Trouble by Kristin Cast, P.C. Cast

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it was interesting, ill just say that