audrarussellwrites's reviews
374 reviews

500 Acres and No Place to Hide: More Confessions of a Counterfeit Farm Girl by Susan McCorkindale

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Gritty, funny and honest. Shows the real side of taking care of someone with a terminal illness.
Confessions of a Counterfeit Farm Girl: A Memoir by Susan McCorkindale

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Everyone seems to have not liked this book. Perhaps I'm biased because I'm a Jersey girl and an aspiring farmer, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. OK...except for the footnotes...those were annoying. It was gritty and funny (though I admit I could have done without the description of everyone's bathroom habits).
The Untelling by Tayari Jones

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A raw, honest look at the complexities of relationships and how hiding our hurts from friends and loved ones only causes more hurt and misunderstandings. Masterful use of imagery. I read it in one sitting!