Considering I heard multiple times that this was boring and too long, I went into this with low expectations tbh. Maybe that's why I actually liked it?
It's not the best thing I've ever read and has some things I didn't like. And yeah, it can be a bit boring at times. But I also can't stop thinking about it and analyzing constantly so here we are.
Plus, even with all the constant never-ending talk about whales that had my eyes glazing over and my brain screaming to be set free from the torment of having to read it, idk there's something about those moments that are almost charming after the fact that I can't explain properly. Like I go on long tangents about random stuff I know too dude! Talk about whales! Have fun!
Anyway, all of this for me to basically just say: add this to my list of books I was intimidated by and thought I would hate, only to be really glad I read it by the end and slightly obsessed!! Totally worth it! And tbh I feel like I'm definitely going to read it again at some point! (will most definitely disregard the extensive whale knowledge when I do tho lol)