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annieice's reviews
776 reviews
The Lost Girl by Anne Ursu
just fantastic, loved the writing style, the characters, the whole plot twist and reveal, the whole idea, the message, the feminism, and the neurodiversity. Iris and Lark are so me and I love them. the ending was also kinda sad as they're kinda traumatized now...
Artie and the Wolf Moon by Olivia Stephens
it was an interesting idea, the MC was pretty cliche nerd who gets bullied but i liked her growth. the world buidling was pretty vague and black and white. there are diverse characters with th main cast all being Black. the ending was a bid disappointing as i wanted more depth but alas it wasn't there the MC's romance was so lacking didn't know why they had to inclujde it but make it so dry and unfeeling. the art was nice, especially the backgrounds and color themes, but the faces looked weird a lot.
Captive Hearts of Oz Vol. 3 by Mamenosuke Fujimaru, Ryo Maruya
Confusing, the pacing is odd, still like the vibes and the characters i recognise/remember. There are people missing an eye often. Still wanna know how it all ends
Tigers, Not Daughters by Samantha Mabry
Did not finish book. Stopped at 18%.
Did not finish book. Stopped at 18%.
i was not enjoying the writing style, the story or the characters and im starting this new thing of dnfing books that i dont seem to enjoy so i have more time for the ones that i do, sorry
Mirrorverse: Pure of Heart by Delilah S. Dawson
i was actually pleasently surprised by how good this was and how likeable and cool Snow White was. i loved Hades and Tiana the best out of the side characters though. the worldbuidling is pretty cool and i love the game this book is based on. LitRPG keep making me read them, it's pretty awesome. my only complaint is Rapunzel not being more quirky and the way they handled Hades in the end. if there'll be sequels which is possible based on the epilogues, i'll definetly read them (inshaAllah)!
Bhai for Now by Maleeha Siddiqui
This is one of the best books I've read this year! I'm noticing that the books I love the most tend to be MG contemporary and usually with Muslim characters, interesting. this was kind of a Parent Trap retelling but BETTER and it delved into the topic of being separated and 'parent abandonment'. I just loved all of it I was grinning and tearing up in multiple parts, it was insane because I was listening to it in public lol.
Grounded by S.K. Ali, Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow, Aisha Saeed, Huda Al-Marashi
i know im weird but this was one of my most anticipated books of the year and i LOVED IT! it was just everything and i loved all the characters their issues their stories their confrontations, just EVERYTHING! the way i grinned and teared up it was so GREAT! there need to be more books like this one out there, with kids like me.
Ibn Al-Haytham: The Man Who Discovered How We See by Libby Romero
nice short and clear for younger readers who are interested in Muslim scientists
Gallant by V.E. Schwab
it was fine but not as amazing as I expected. the thing I liked the most was that the MC was a badass disabled character that felt very real. also it wasn't really creepy as some said, which was kinda disappointing but oh well. the ending was interesting though
Curlfriends: New in Town by Sharee Miller
This was so cute and the art style was delecious and sweet. The MC felt too painfully real. I loved th ending and the message