angelarwatts's reviews
917 reviews

Brisingr by Christopher Paolini

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This sucked.
OK, I'll clarify- these books just tumbled. Super low. Eragon was amazing, sucked me in- but after Eldest's downfall, I hoped this third book would bring things back. It didn't. It made things worse. And not in a 'hey, things will turn out, this is bad but OK'- but in a 'this writing is bad, the characters are dumb, and nothing makes sense.'
I could not even finish this book. Things got so frustrating. The characters all took turns for the worse. The elves became ridiculous. This book was disappointing.
Icefire by Chris d'Lacey

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I actually don't remember much about this book; I was SO confused, but then again, I was younger when I read it. I do remember the ending- that was pretty interesting. I need to reread this one...
Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher by Bruce Coville

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Great younger read. Funny, interesting, easy.
Paper Towns by John Green

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Conclusion: John Green is the WORST young adult writer ever. Ever. This book, like TFIOS, was absolute teenager TRASH. Did it get good, interesting, actually realistic? Ha. Nah.
These books are; inappropriate, dumb, and have no redeeming qualities. At all.
The Long Way Home by Andrew Klavan

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Wooo. Man, I'm enjoying Klavan's works so far. This book was a fun ride. Plus, it was amusing to see the karate stuff.
Love Comes Softly by Janette Oke

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This was one of the sweetest, most endearing little books I've ever read. It was gripping, sweet, and realistic- all in one incredible package. Loved it.