alizontheamazon's reviews
1350 reviews

Freddy the Frogcaster by Janice Dean

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This is a great book for older kids about weather. There is a lot of nonfiction information in the back that explains more about forecasting and weather patterns.
Smarty Marty's Got Game by Amy Gutierrez

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Written by the SF Giants in-game reporter for Comcast SportsNet, this is a great introduction to baseball. Written in an accessible way it doesn't feel like it's explaining the game to you, but instead telling you a story. I enjoyed the personal touches too of the game being a family tradition passed down through the females of the family, since that's what baseball is to my family.
Ten Birds Meet a Monster by Cybèle Young

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The birds are at it again, one by one they try to become something that will scare away the monster in the closet, which is really just the shadow of a glove.
City Cat by Lauren Castillo, Kate Banks

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A cat goes traveling through different European cities. There is little to no information given about each city in the actual story, but there are little blurbs about the locations at the back of the book.
Petey and Pru and the Hullabaloo by Ammi-Joan Paquette

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Uses some interesting vocab that children might not see in other picture books. A look at a friendship between two people, one of whom seems to be a bit more quiet and the other who likes a little chaos in her life.
Ike's Incredible Ink by Brianne Farley

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This book is a reflection of the writing process...Ike sets off to find an ink of his very own to write his book with and the adventure that he goes on ends up being the story he writes down.
Ollie and Claire by Tiffany Strelitz Haber

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Cute story of friendship that is very similar to the "If you like pina coladas" song. Two friends are tired of their normal routine so decide to seek some adventure and realize they're both looking for the same thing.
Digger and Tom! by Sebastien Braun

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Good basic book about everyone doing their part to complete a task no matter how big or small. Use of construction vehicles will make it a hit with kids who have a construction bug.
Gus, the Dinosaur Bus by Julia Liu

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A strange tale of a dinosaur who is a bus until he has too many problems on the road. Then his tears make a swimming pool for the kids at the school and all is solved. Kids who like dinosaurs won't care that the storyline is a tad weird.
Dream Animals: A Bedtime Journey by Emily Winfield Martin

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I love Emily Winfield Martin's art (I've bought some of it from her website and have it in my apartment). I think this is a very whimsical and cute book about the animals that might carry us off into our dreams at night when we sleep. A quiet book that is good for bedtime.