alizontheamazon's reviews
1350 reviews

Elephant's Story: A Picture Book by Tracey Campbell Pearson

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Really cute book about an elephant who accidentally sniffs up all of the words from his friend Gracie's favorite book. He goes to other animals for help to put the book back together, but all the other animals have different plans for the words.
Come Back, Moon by David Kherdian

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Kind of a rushed story with no real direct purpose. Bear steals the moon because he can't sleep and the other animals go back and get it from him after putting him to bed with a story.
If It's Snowy and You Know It, Clap Your Paws! by Kim Norman

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This is a GREAT adaptation of "If You're Happy and You Know It". The actions aren't as repetitive as in the original song so it's not as easy to catch on to if you were doing it at a storytime, but the rhymes are very creative and festive for the winter season. Highly recommended.
Thanksgiving Day Thanks by Laura Malone Elliott

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This was a really cute Thanksgiving book about a class getting ready for the Thanksgiving holiday. There are lots of ideas for Thanksgiving craft projects, a brief history of the holiday and some random assorted (and really interesting) facts about the holiday at the end of the book.
Dear Santasaurus by Stacy McAnulty

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Really cute book about a dinosaur writing letters to Santa throughout the year in order to make sure he makes a good impression. There are so parts in there that are obviously targeted to adults and are very funny. Good for those who like dinosaurs!
One-Dog Sleigh: A Picture Book by Mary Casanova

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More and more animals pile into what is meant to only be a sleigh for the narrator and her dog.
Deep in the Sahara by Hoda Hadadi, Kelly Cunnane

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I love books that address Muslim culture and this one looks at it in the context of an area in West Africa, which is even cooler since this isn't often represented in children's literature. It's a very interesting book with a good author's note on the wearing of a malafa and it's significance.
Bedtime Monsters by Josh Schneider

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Arnold is scared of the monster under his bed, but it turns out that monster is scared of another monster...and so goes the book until a monster comes out that says he's scared of Arnold. A really cute monster book that shows how silly it is to be afraid of the dark and what might be lurking in it.
Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

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I loved this book. It was a little cheesy, but I couldn't put it down. You get so attached to the characters that you cheer when they succeed and cry when something goes wrong.

I love Rainbow Rowell's books.
Year of the Jungle by Suzanne Collins

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This book was ok, but I think that it could have done a better job if it had some factual information about the Vietnam war at the end. This account was all from the child's perspective, which is fine, but some more context would provide a guide for parents to use this text to explain to children the significance of war and the Vietnam War.