My bad for starting this before reading the other two books, sometimes I can do this with interconnected standalones but not this time. Kept getting confused with names and who knows who and who’s business is what. Maybe if I read the others I’ll come back to this one.
Thank you NetGalley and MIRA Books for providing the eARC in exchange for an honest review!
Honestly, this has gotta be in my top 3 horror books I have read in my lifetime. The prose is insanely good, the feeling of dread and mystery is handled well and I found myself open mouthed in shock at many points. It is so wild to read a book half hidden under your covers in fear but man does this book make you want a blankie.
Part ghost story, part serial killer mystery, also part psychological horror at times, this book is a masterpiece. I also want to praise the character work in this one, you feel very invested in the side character's lives, relationships with each other and their mysteries even if there is a LOT more going on in Cora's perspective. She does a wonderful job bringing these people to life in a way that feels so real.
Haunting, powerful, gory and enthralling. Pick this book up immediately, I promise it is worth your time.
TW: racism, hate crimes, body horror/gore, racial slurs, pandemic setting, vomit, animal cruelty/violence, mentions of child abuse
Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Children's Publishing Group for providing the eARC in exchange for an honest review!
What a ride this was. There are some amazing food descriptions that made me so hungry. I had several IRL gasping moments that left me reading more and more to see what happened next. Very much a YA horror in the writing style but that made it very fun to me. I was hyped to see it take place in Miami as I grew up nearby. Reallyyyy love an "unlikeable" female protagonist, her undead qualities and bluntness were so great to read and the tidbits about her growing up as part zombie were some of my favorite vignettes. Appreciated all the new stuff I learned about Haitian folklore through this as well. Fun read!
Features my favorite camicazi scene: her eating a sandwich while expertly sword fighting a grown man. Love this epilogue, Cressida really goes off on the epilogues
i think i would have liked this more if I read it vs listened to it. the narrators did some wild voices for some of the characters and it threw me off a lil. cute story though
Thank you NetGalley and Henry Holt & Co for providing the eARC in exchange for an honest review!
Not sure what to think about this one. It was boring but also enthralling at the same time. Very messy family story, so big on the drama at times. I really liked the swapping perspective between all 3 sisters and the mother. I did have to flip back and reference the family tree a bit at times, a lot of names and cousins to keep track of. Kind of middle of the road book for me. There was a lot of secret keeping and pettiness that was entertaining at times and annoying at other times. May be someones cup of tea, not sure if it is mine.
The One Where Gregor Witnesses War Crimes (And Gets Some Bonus PTSD!) best of the series tbh. suzanne collins is such a fantastic writer, this is a very interesting way to explore ideas about war. kinda open ended ending, wish that meant there were more books but alas, not as popular as hunger games.