akemi_666's reviews
733 reviews

Concepts Of The Self by Anthony Elliott

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Quick outline of some key thinkers in psychology, poststructuralism and the like, but due to its small size, Elliott often ends up summarising a single book, from a single theorist, in three or four pages, which fails to do justice to how broadly and deeply some of these theorists think.
The Medium is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects by Marshall McLuhan, Quentin Fiore

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Total disconnect.
The global village a black hole of affect, spectacular fetish.
The political hyperrealised, speeds the irruption of signs, pointing everywhere but here.
A responsibility to nothing but the flow of dead labour.
Netflicks or HBO.
The Politics of Experience/The Bird of Paradise by R.D. Laing

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cute prose poem

oh, and a 100 page preface on intersubjectivity, social construction and existentialism, outlining how schizophrenic behaviours arise as defense mechanisms to disturbing social realities, behaviours which are further exacerbated by the subjugation, imprisonment and control of such persons labelled as schizophrenic, and how insanity in an insane world may be the only sane action left for some, for to lose one's ego but to reach the archetypal void of one's self is the first step towards reintegration of one's alienated inner world with one's alienating outer world, and thus, the illumination necessary for social change

real cute poem tho
Dada, Surrealism, And Their Heritage by William Rubin

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Called anarchism (and by implication, dada) apolitical.

I'm out.

I'm done.

Fuck everything.

Fuck these writers that excise all political consciousness from the body of techniques, post-coital retrohistoricisations of a collective power that exceeds their liberal discursive limitations, monopolisation of the cultural godhead of spectacular capital. BUT HEY WOAW THAT ONE GUY'S HOUSE GOT REALLY WHACKY ISN'T DADA FUNN. IT GOT BOMBED DURING WWII BUT LET'S IGNORE THAT AND ALL ITS POLITICAL IMPLICATIONS.

Ever heard of Tristan Tzara? Well, I'm not going to even mention him!

Mythologies by Roland Barthes

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All power is mythological; hence its reality.