aile_'s reviews
293 reviews

Moon of the Turning Leaves by Waubgeshig Rice

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It’s not a 5 star. But I still think about it every day. I might change my mind about the rating, because I adore the story. But not the writing. 

Imo the end of the world is the best trope. And moon of the crusted snow/moon of the turning leaves are the best end of the world books so far.

Messy review. Conclusion: I love this, you should read this and… prepare for the end of the world. New beginnings - new worlds. 
Hearrát dat bidje min by Elin Anna Labba

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challenging informative inspiring reflective sad medium-paced


Mun jáhkken ahte dat galggái leahkit hui morašlaš ja lossát, danin mun lohkken dan easkká dál. Rievtti mielde dat lei vuogas ja fiinnis. Ii ollenge nu lossat go jáhkken dat galggái leahkit, lohkkat min historjá. Soaitá mearkkaša dát ahte mii leat dikšun iežamet hávit. Vai ahte leat massime oktavuođainet máttuide. Eanet jáhkkan háviimet leat sávvon. Goit mu. Fiinna girji lei.

"Gaskaija vuostá in vuolgge, ovdal manan gaskabeaivvi vuollái. "
-Márggu Jouná (s. 43)
Seammá dajahus gávdno meit okta Ára čábbamus lávllagin 'Eallin lea eallu'

Váisa lea ruoktu. Máttut leat johttan. Eana lea doalvun viidáseappot giitosiid minsiidda ja eana doalvu viidáseappot giitosiid maŋisbohttiide. 
Better Than the Movies by Lynn Painter

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Super duper cute! I’m probably going to get addicted to romance books because of this…
Vem har sagt något om kärlek? : att bryta sig fri från hedersförtryck by Elaf Ali

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Gick in i den här boken med noll förväntningar och den var svinbra! Den borde vara en obligatorisk läsning i skolan. Sträckläste den vilket visar att den är lättläst och otroligt intressant
Gárži by Sara Vuolab

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Taaqtumi: An Anthology of Arctic Horror Stories by Thomas Anguti Johnston, Cara Bryant, Gayle Kabloona, Ann R. Loverock, K.C. Carthew, Repo Kempt, Jay Bulckaert, Rachel Qitsualik-Tinsley, Aviaq Johnston, Richard Van Camp, Sean Qitsualik-Tinsley

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challenging dark mysterious medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot


A pleasant short-story collection! My favorites were Iqsinnaqtutalik Piqtuq by Aviaq Johnston and Lounge by Sean & Rachel Qitsualik-Tinsley. 
Lása duohken by Niko Valkepää

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Muhtin divttát ledje buorit. 
Fenrisgumpe by Odin Helgheim

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Lei amas lohkkat sámegillii juoida mas ii leat sámi vugiid, historjá iige jurddašanvuohki.