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adrihean's reviews
2076 reviews

Aunt Tigress by Emily Yu-Xuan Qin

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“Aunt Tigress,” by Emily Yu-Xuan Qin 


This was a fun fantasy F/F book with tons of Asian lore and family drama and supernatural creatures. I liked the plot and the mystery behind all that was going on. The characters were okay in my head, I wasn’t particularly attached or detached from them. I didn’t vibe as well with the writing style though, it just wasn’t my thing. 3 out of 5 stars. 




-Asian Lore 


Thank you for the ARC, Netgalley. 

No Rest for the Wicked by Kresley Cole

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“No Rest for the Wicked,” by Kelsey Cole 


I couldn’t really get into this story. I got it because of the new cover I saw but I did not see the original cover, I wouldn’t have tried to read the book if I saw the original because it fits more with the type of book it is. It’s a adult fantasy romance detective book with supernatural creatures, that isn’t really my type of thing unless it has more of the popular tropes and vibes right now. 2 out of 5 stars. 






Thank you for the ARC, Netgalley. 

The Encanto's Curse by Melissa de la Cruz

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“The Encanto’s Curse,” by Melissa De La Cruz 


This was a solid read if you like the first one. It follows the same vibe and feel, and the characters play their parts exactly how I thought they would because of their personalities. I liked the relationship aspect in this book more than the last one for sure. It’s a perfect YA fantasy for readers who like plots driven more for self-growth of MC’s than heavy romance or tons of action and deep issues. 4 out of 5 stars. 



-Filippino Folklore 


Thank you for the ARC, Netgalley. 



Fable for the End of the World by Ava Reid

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“Sometimes I think that’s what love is, really- giving each other matching scars.” 


“Fable for the End of the World,” by Ava Reid 


This book completely blew me away. If The Hunger Games and Uglies had a baby, it would be this book. It had the poverty side of hunger games but with an emphasis on social media, the hunters were made to look and act in a certain way to create this show type thing for entertainment dealing with the hunting of the chosen poor person. I loved the light romance that was F/F and the family emotional problems. Above all else though, I loved the end so much. I want more books to end this good for sure. 5 out of 5 stars, perfect. 





Thank you for the ARC, Netgalley. 


“Maybe enough fear can add up to love.” 


“You can hate the person who imprisons you, but you can’t hate the person who sets you free. So what do you do when they’re one and the same?” 


“I once told her it took strength to hurt, to grieve, that it was braver than feeling nothing at all. I’m grieving for the living, though. It feels different than mourning the dead.” 


“All our lives, there’s been nothing but leaving.”