adierose74's reviews
803 reviews

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

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I am very conflicted on my feelings for this book.

On the one hand, I felt it was too drawn out and almost intentionally written to create some sort of suspense (which it did to an extent, but I never felt a resolution). It's almost like a not-so-skilled lover got me all worked up and then, right when I was close, just left the room.

On the other hand, I cried like a fool reading the letter Henry wrote to Clare to read after his death. I think that part was attributed more to the fact that I cry over anything, though.

I really, REALLY wanted to like this book. So many people loved it and recommended it. I thought I would love it, too.

I just...didn't. I can't imagine recommending it to anyone. I wouldn't say I hated it, but I certainly wish I had saved my time and not read it at all. It was just there.

I might come back and edit this, but I might not. I feel kind of cheated.
Sugar & Spice by Saffina Desforges

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Deeply disturbing. The book itself was quite good, but the subject matter was hard to handle. Perhaps someone with a stronger stomach than I would not sit staring at their young daughters all day, trying not to lose their minds over how revolting pedopholia is, yet findng themselves feeling sympathy for some of the characters in the book at the same time.

I suppose it says a lot about the author's talent. I can't imagine the research that went into writing it.
The Awakening by Kate Chopin

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I first read this book in 1990 and I have been taken with it ever since. While I did not fully understand all of the subtle nuances when I was a teen, I loved the story and the brutal feelings of alone-ness that Edna was feeling.

She was a woman born in the wrong time and place. A woman forced almost to live a life that wasn't her own.

How many of us have felt that way at one time or another?

My heart broke for her then and it breaks for her now. As an adult, the despair and the helplessness is even more pronounced for me. Edna touched my heart over 20 years ago and she has never gone away. I think of her often. And sometimes, I think she is me.