Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
I mean I know I read this before but that plot twist at the end is still blowing my mind. It's a powerful story and I do like it very much but in my eyes it will never compare to ToG. With that said it's still a 5 ⭐ read and always will be.
One of the best books I've ever read. It made me laugh and it made me cry. It was all I hoped for and better. I am so glad that I get to live in the same lifetime as Sarah J. Maas cuz she gave me so much and I could not be more grateful.
As much as I love SJM this book was mostly a waste of time and energy. There were few good parts and some great jokes but over all I don't think this book gave me anything and I think it's just a pretty looking waste of space in my bookshelf.
Upřímně? Nečekala jsem, že se mi tato kniha bude líbit a to z jednoho prostého důvodu - Chaola jsem nikdy moc nemusela. O to větším překvapením pro mě obsah byl. Mistrně napsaný kousek, který propojoval příběhy. Zas a znovu smekám klobouk před mistrovskou prácí Sarah J. Maas.