adelesbooks's reviews
180 reviews

Haunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton

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challenging dark emotional mysterious tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? It's complicated
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? No


Haunting Adeline - H. D. Carlton ⭐⭐⭐

     Before I say anything, I have to URGE you to READ the trigger warnings. I don't have a problem with darker themes in books, but some things in this story made me pause.
     With that said, starting this book in the evening was probably the worst idea I have ever had! I was freaked out from the first chapter, but oddly enough, I couldn't stop reading. As sometimes happens, I pulled an all-nighter and finished it by nine a.m. the next day.
     I had mixed feelings about this novel. On the one hand, I couldn't put it down till I got through the whole book in one sitting. On the other hand, it was a bit much in certain parts. That alone speaks volumes since there isn't much that disturbs me in books.
     I can't outright say I didn't like the characters because I was intrigued. But it is the same as the story. Some of their traits were unsettling.
     One thing I found hard to follow was the subplots. Maybe it was just me, but there was so much going on all the time.
     To summarize all this, I would say it was quite the experience. I don't know how else to put it. I gave Haunting Adeline three stars. Objectively it's a well-written story with an impressive idea.
     AGAIN, CHECK THE TRIGGER WARNINGS BEFORE READING!!! Also, be aware there is a big cliffhanger at the end of the book, so read at your own risk.

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Final Offer by Lauren Asher

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challenging emotional funny hopeful inspiring reflective sad medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated


Final Offer - Lauren Asher ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

     When I started the Dreamland Billionaires earlier this year, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I went into it completely blind, not even reading the synopsis. Imagine how crazy it is now after I finished the whole series, and it became one of the best books I've ever read. It makes me stupidly happy when books are this good.
     I want to say as little as possible because there are still people who haven't read this book, and I don't want to spoil anything.
    It was a wild ride, though. I felt all the emotions. I fell in love with the characters as much as the setting. The writing, many loveable characters, and unexpected twists and turns. I also never thought there would be a day when my book boyfriend collection would welcome the first blond. I had the impression I loved Rowan but then came Declan. And then came Callahan Kane. I love him beyond reason.
     This book was the ultimate ending to a series that put me on my ass and left me speechless. I think there is no arguing that Final Offer deserves nothing less than five stars. And to be honest, I could praise this book and this series, but the only way to do it justice is if y'all go and read it.

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Ten Trends to Seduce Your Bestfriend by Penny Reid

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 65%.
I just couldn't power through it. It feels like Wattpad writing (and I do love Wattpad, just a disclaimer). To elaborate, it feels like just throwing everything in the mix and it didn't work for me.
Říše bouří by Sarah J. Maas

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Tento díl se mi opravdu moc líbil, ale jsou tu věci, které mi jednoduše vadí.
Například jak autorka násilně dává dohromady některé postavy (neříkám, že je to tak u všech postav, ale u některých mi to doopravdy vadí).
Naopak , co se mi opravdu líbilo, byl konec zhruba posledních 100 stran. Bylo to nečekané, napínavé a srdcervoucí.
Už se těším na poslední díl, abych viděla, jestli série bude pokračovat spíše směrem konce knihy, nebo bude v duchu 4. a 5. dílu.
Možná jednou by Colleen Hoover, Jana Jašová

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Knihu jsem právě dočetla a mám z ní velmi rozporuplné pocity.
Na jednu stranu zbožňuji, jakým způsobem je to napsáno. Mám doopravdy ráda knihy od Colleen Hoover, protože si u nich úžasně odpočinu. Nemusím u jejích děl myslet a to na jejích knížkách velmi oceňuji.
Na druhou stranu tahle kniha mě naštvala. Tedy především hlavní hrdinka. Mě osobně přijde, že je to jen ubrečená malá holka. Neskutečně mě celou knihu iritovala. Občas jsem měla chuť jí jednu vlepit, aby se vzpamatovala.
Takže shrnutí: knihu hodnotím pouze dvěmi hvězdami a to jen díky autorčine stylu psaní, jinak mi příběh přišel vcelku nudný a o ničem s ufňukanou hlavní hrdinkou.
Probuzení Simona Spiera by Becky Albertalli

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Tato kniha se mi doopravdy líbila. Její čtení jsem si velmi užila. Byla to pro mě taková oddechová jednohubka na jedno dopoledne.
Příběh Simona jsem si moc užila a společně s ním jsem se zamilovala do Bluea.
Ačkoliv jsem jako první viděla film kniha byla lepší (není to tak, že by film nebyl dobrý, je to jeden z nejhezčích filmů, co jsem za poslední dobu viděla, ale knížka v sobě má něco, co film postrádá).
Knihu vřele doporučuji, ale především mladistvým, i když dospělí by si její čtení mohli také užít.