adawada's reviews
121 reviews

Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver

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One thing that really stood out to me whilst reading this book was that it’s a portrait of a place and its people. You can really tell that the author has done a lot of research for this story. The characters felt very believable and you got really invested in their lives. It’s a story that I’m sure will stay with me for a long time. 
At the Pond: Swimming at the Hampstead Ladies' Pond by

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I liked the premise of this book and wanted to read it after reading and enjoying the In The Garden one previously. I enjoyed the first few essays, set in the winter. They have really set the tone for what the Pond itself and the nature around it felt like to the swimmers. I also really enjoyed the essay called The Lifeguard’s Perspective, it was super interesting to read. Sadly, towards the end of the book, I found myself getting a bit bored. It felt like a lot of the latter essays focused less on the Pond and more on the authors’ “disjointed” lives and I was left thinking what’s the point of including these in here? I was going to read some of the other books from this series by Daunt but now I’m not so sure. 
The Safekeep by Yael van der Wouden

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 47%.
DNFd at almost 50%. I found this book quite boring and even though there’s an apparent plot twist that everyone keeps talking about, I’m just not intrigued enough to read on and find out what it is. 

I found the characters quite annoying. Isabel is painted out to be “boring”, stuck up, paranoid and clueless whilst Eva is a free spirit. Isabel’s brothers’s personalities sounded too similar. I hate the notion that no one could fathom that Isabel might actually be okay to be alone in the house—what’s wrong with being an introvert? Instead she’s constantly being told to loosen up, to have some fun, to go and meet people. 

What irritated me the most is the dialogues. I’m not a fan of books with groups of people because I often find dialogues unbelievable, no one talks like that in real life. 

And the sex scenes. I couldn’t picture what was happening from the descriptions which made it hard to feel anything? They always ended before anything interesting happened and even in the short amount that I’ve read, there were too many. 

The one thing I liked about this book was the build up of the tension. Up to a point where it became unbearable and I’ve simply lost interest. 

It’s a shame because so many people raved about this book. I’m glad I’ve rented it from the library rather than spend money on it. It just wasn’t for me. 
A Little Luck by Claudia Piñeiro

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My second book by Piñeiro and once again I was left in tears. She crafts her main characters so well that you cannot help but care about them deeply. This is why I enjoy books written in first person.

This story was so heartbreaking. By no means I thought it was perfect—at times I wished it was shorter and at times I wanted more from it. But in the end it all made sense. I found the main theme of this story to be very important—how quick we are to judge, how little empathy we show others during hard times they go through, the pressures placed on mothers and on women in general. 

I would highly recommend this book and look forward to read other books by this author. 
The Art of Repair by Molly Martin

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 32%.
Though beautifully illustrated and full of interesting facts, it wasn’t something that I was expecting from the title of this book. I was under the impression that it would be more of a guide to repairing clothes. So I’ve decided to part ways with it for now.
What I'd Rather Not Think About by Jente Posthuma

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I found this book okay. I felt like the writing wasn’t anything that I haven’t read before but it was also easy to read and I enjoy the vignette style. I found the metaphor of the Twin Towers very interesting, as I did the references of historical and contemporary figures mentioned. Some of the main themes of this story (apart from the obvious ones being different kinds of grief and depression) to be obsessiveness. I found most of the character either likeable nor entirely unlikeable. It didn’t wow me but I thought it was a good enough book. 
Half-Arse Human by Leena Norms

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A self-help book for anyone who wants to have an impact on creating better conditions for living in our planet but also can’t be arsed. This book felt like getting a permission to do the bare minimum to improve aspects of our lives in areas such as wardrobe, diet, home and more. 

If, like me, you’re not a fan of overly metaphorical writing, just stick with the book—or skip the intro and go straight to the “actual” chapters. 

Whilst I have already known a lot of what the book says from Lena’s videos on YouTube, there has been so much that I haven’t yet realised or known, such as the fact that you can just email your local MP about problems you have spotted and would like them to look into.

I found this book hopeful and really encouraging and would recommend it to anyone who’s looking to improve the sections of their lives mentioned in this book. 
The Years by Annie Ernaux

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A memoir of Ernaux herself as well as a collective one of her generation, this book perfectly encapsulates the years from when she’s a small girl born in 1941 to the year 2006. It talks of what it is to be a woman, what it is to be French, what it is to grow up across all of the changes throughout the years following the Second World War. It talks a lot about memory—again—the personal and the collective. What moments we remember and those we don’t. 

I enjoyed this book a lot, despite not being able to relate to a lot of it, having been born in 1992 and not knowing a lot about French politics. Ernaux took such great care to include the experiences of many and her writing is so captivating that I’m sure everyone would find something in this book to take away with them. I will definitely be picking up her other works. 
Winter by Ali Smith

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 34%.
Didn’t pull me in at this moment in time. I might go back to it another time. 
Secret Voices: A Year of Women's Diaries by Sarah Gristwood

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I have really enjoyed this collection of diary entries from various women across centuries and have compiled a little list of authors I want to go back and read more from. Would really recommend.