Interestingggggg. I enjoyed it, easy to read, nice conclusion to the series but also a bit of a rip and the ending a bit cliche but always glad to have HEA. First one def the best tho.
I really liked it!! Pretty dark but sooo interesting. I feel like I learned so much about Ghana and the history of their people and in America too. I really like how the stories intertwined but I do wish we got to see more of their lives then the little snapshots we get especially for the people in the later generations. I thought it was really well written and some of the imagery and feelings evoked were horrific but handled with a lot of care and poetry. Majorie and the Old Woman 😭😭😭✨✨🫶 SAM AND NESS! KOJO AND ANNA 😭 every storyline just had so much heartbreak and pain and suffering and you just feel so much humanity for them. Good book!!
CUTE little bit long. I’m in my sports romance era again Bit if spice again. I liked the side characters and hope we get to see more of them. Always a sucker for an epilogue
I liked this one better than the first one but both are so cute and cute I’ll read the rest of the series for sure. Pretty spicy but can skip most of it
Quick, pretty fluffy and decent. Once u feel the escapism vibes it’s easy to get through and I gasped and laughed a few times throughout. Not the most well written book I’ve ever read but it was enjoyable :)
I liked it overall. A bit slow and there were quite a few times when I was more invested in Noah/Georgia than Scarlett/Jameson’s storyline’s but I did enjoy both. Once I got into the last quarter of the book I flew threw it .. didn’t see the twist coming til right before lolol but it was def there! Not a fan of the miscommunication trope but oh wells. Still good overall just not my fave