bdingz's reading stats

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1 page, or 1 minute, every day
Current streak
Longest streak


430 books, 114,710 pages, 466.0 hours

Average time to finish
19 days


Pie chart with 14 slices.
Pie chart showing moods of books read in all-time. The data are as follows: adventurous - 160 books (16%), emotional - 150 books (15%), dark - 136 books (14%), reflective - 130 books (13%), mysterious - 89 books (9%), funny - 61 books (6%), informative - 59 books (6%), lighthearted - 49 books (5%), challenging - 43 books (4%), tense - 41 books (4%), sad - 32 books (3%), hopeful - 29 books (3%), inspiring - 22 books (2%), relaxing - 1 book (0%).
End of interactive chart.
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Pie chart with 3 slices.
Pie chart showing pace of books read in all-time. The data are as follows: slow - 88 books (21%), medium - 218 books (51%), fast - 119 books (28%).
End of interactive chart.
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Page number

Pie chart with 3 slices.
Pie chart showing page number length of books read in all-time. The data are as follows: <300 - 224 books (58%), 300-499 - 128 books (33%), 500+ - 33 books (9%).
End of interactive chart.
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Audiobook length

Pie chart with 3 slices.
Pie chart showing audiobook length of books listened to in all-time. The data are as follows: <8:00 - 16 books (36%), 8:00-15:59 - 21 books (47%), 16:00+ - 8 books (18%).
End of interactive chart.
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Pie chart with 2 slices.
Pie chart showing book type of books read in all-time. The data are as follows: fiction - 311 books (73%), nonfiction - 114 books (27%).
End of interactive chart.
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Bar chart with 47 bars.
Bar chart showing genres of books read in all-time. The data are as follows: Fantasy - 95 books, LGBTQIA+ - 72 books, Classics - 67 books, Young Adult - 54 books, Romance - 52 books, Comics - 48 books, Memoir - 46 books, Contemporary - 44 books, Literary - 43 books, Science Fiction - 41 books, Horror - 34 books, Poetry - 34 books, Middle Grade - 34 books, Mystery - 30 books, Historical - 22 books, Graphic Novel - 19 books, History - 18 books, Biography - 16 books, Thriller - 14 books, Essays - 14 books, Dystopian - 13 books, Play - 13 books, Psychology - 12 books, Short Stories - 11 books, Feminism - 11 books, True Crime - 10 books, Crime - 10 books, Magical Realism - 9 books, Self Help - 7 books, Childrens - 6 books, Reference - 6 books, Sociology - 5 books, Health - 5 books, Religion - 5 books, Nature - 5 books, Gender - 4 books, Autobiography - 4 books, Race - 4 books, Philosophy - 4 books, Politics - 4 books, Science - 3 books, Manga - 2 books, Music - 2 books, Speculative Fiction - 2 books, Erotica - 1 book, Sports - 1 book, Art - 1 book.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying No. of books. Range: 0 to 100.
End of interactive chart.
Click on any chart segment to view the books


114,670 pages, 476.93 hours

Pie chart with 3 slices.
Pie chart showing format of books read in all-time. The data are as follows: digital - 70 books (16%), audio - 45 books (10%), print - 315 books (73%).
End of interactive chart.
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Most Read Authors

Bar chart with 10 bars.
Bar chart showing most read authors in all-time. The data are as follows: Lemony Snicket - 13 books, J.K. Rowling - 9 books, T. Kingfisher - 8 books, Neil Gaiman - 8 books, William Shakespeare - 7 books, Kenneth Oppel - 7 books, J.R.R. Tolkien - 7 books, Alice Oseman - 6 books, Ngozi Ukazu - 6 books, Cliff Chiang - 6 books.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying No. of books. Range: 0 to 14.
End of interactive chart.
Click on any chart segment to view the books


All books in this time period are in English.

Number of books, pages, and minutes

430 books, 114,710 pages, 466.0 hours

Line chart showing books, pages read, and minutes listened to each year across all-time. The data for books read per year are as follows: 2008 - 1 book, 2009 - 4 books, 2010 - 4 books, 2011 - 11 books, 2012 - 20 books, 2013 - 12 books, 2014 - 9 books, 2015 - 6 books, 2016 - 15 books, 2017 - 12 books, 2018 - 16 books, 2019 - 20 books, 2020 - 29 books, 2021 - 30 books, 2022 - 48 books, 2023 - 50 books, 2024 - 43 books. The data for pages read per year are as follows: 2008 - 192 pages, 2009 - 804 pages, 2010 - 1000 pages, 2011 - 3741 pages, 2012 - 5877 pages, 2013 - 4143 pages, 2014 - 3887 pages, 2015 - 3087 pages, 2016 - 3947 pages, 2017 - 3616 pages, 2018 - 4477 pages, 2019 - 4619 pages, 2020 - 9130 pages, 2021 - 7725 pages, 2022 - 9174 pages, 2023 - 9278 pages, 2024 - 9668 pages. The data for minutes listened per year are as follows: 2008 - 0 minutes, 2009 - 0 minutes, 2010 - 0 minutes, 2011 - 0 minutes, 2012 - 0 minutes, 2013 - 0 minutes, 2014 - 0 minutes, 2015 - 0 minutes, 2016 - 0 minutes, 2017 - 0 minutes, 2018 - 0 minutes, 2019 - 0 minutes, 2020 - 0 minutes, 2021 - 1816 minutes, 2022 - 11028 minutes, 2023 - 9235 minutes, 2024 - 5516 minutes.
Star ratings

405 reviews

Average rating: 4.01

Bar chart with 12 bars.
Bar chart showing star ratings of books read in the time period. The data are as follows: No rating - 44 books, 1.0⭐️ - 1 book, 2.0⭐️ - 11 books, 3.0⭐️ - 54 books, 3.25⭐️ - 3 books, 3.5⭐️ - 18 books, 3.75⭐️ - 17 books, 4.0⭐️ - 132 books, 4.25⭐️ - 21 books, 4.5⭐️ - 22 books, 4.75⭐️ - 6 books, 5.0⭐️ - 76 books.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Rating.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying No. of books. Range: 0 to 150.
End of interactive chart.
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Publication Year vs. Read Date
Scatter chart with 328 points.
Scatter chart with 328 purple points plotting date read of each book and its original publication year. Original publication year is on the Y-axis and read date is on the X-axis.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Read Date. Range: 2008.74072 to 2025.0892800000001.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Original Publication Year. Range: -1000 to 2200.
End of interactive chart.
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