A review by louiza_read2live
Dietrich Bonhoeffer Theologian, Christian, Contemporary by Eberhard Bethge


Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a theologian of mid-20th century, was arrested for been involved in a conspiracy having as goal Hitler's assassination. He was hanged in 1945, just 3 weeks before the end of WWII. Bonhoeffer's uncompromising Godly spirit is a true inspiration -- a true man of God and a great mind. This book is great, especially because it is written by Bonhoeffer's best friend and assistant. It is a great book that gives the reader an in depth understanding not only of Bonhoeffer's character but also of the character of the Christian church before and during WWII and the moral dilemmas the church had to face. Moreover, if you have ever questioned how a whole nation (Germany) got so deceived in supporting one of the most evil leaders and his actions so blindly and how a whole world stayed silent long enough to watch millions of people be tortured and murdered, this book will give you an insight to all these questions and moreā€¦