A review by vens_corner
Fake Dates and Mooncakes by Sher Lee


Ok, I read this in one sitting, and more than any book I have read in a couple of years, this one has pulled at my heart-strings.

The premise is a simple one,teenager working for a family take-away business meets rich kid from a fortune-500 company.
Without spoiling anything, this is a really wholesome and heartfelt story of 2 teens from different backgrounds fall for each other, despite some resistance and suspicion from Theo's wealthy father.
The only criticism I can make, is how quickly Dylan and Theo fall for each other, but I don't care.

This book hit me in the feels in a way very few other stories have, let alone books, and for that reason this is an easy one of the easiest books for me to recommend. Its sweet, wholesome and feel good and a real feel good title to check out.