A review by shellballenger
Everything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lies I've Loved by Kate Bowler


Type of read: Commuter (listened to and from work)

What made me pick it up: This was either on one of my book club lists or it popped up in my recommended books on my Overdrive app.

Overall rating: I wanted to like this book. I really did. I just felt like she never really got into her groove. There was a lot of joltey writing, jumping from idea to idea, experience to experience. What I thought was going to be an autobiographical telling of her diagnosis and the realization and coping from that was a disjointed account of experiences with attempts at ties to American prosperity gospel that felt forced and disingenuous. I'll admit, I probably wasn't paying as close of attention as I should (she kind of lost me early on) but I just couldn't get into this book.