A review by haazex
Louise de la Vallière by Alexandre Dumas


Louis XIV and the French Court
This volume focused mostly on the romantic intrigues at the French court blended with more humorous interludes with our famous heroes. I started to wonder if Dumas had divided up the work as the style between these varied quite a bit, but perhaps it is simply my imagination or the translation. In a sense I felt like I was taking part of a 17th century soap opera with at times brilliant (and almost poetic) descriptions blended with romantic cliffhangers following the norms and rituals of the court. I have to admit that I very much enjoyed being within the French court’s massive salons, hallways and gardens as well as partaking in Louis XIV’s luminous weeklong fête. Reading this work is definitely a worthwhile enterprise for any Dumas fan or if one is looking for an immersion into the aristocracy of the times. Strangely, time flowed quickly while reading these Dumas tombs (which is a good sign)! I planned to read the d'Artagnan romances this summer. I'm looking forward to the final volume of the saga: [b:The Man in the Iron Mask|54499|The Man in the Iron Mask (The D'Artagnan Romances, #3.4)|Alexandre Dumas|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1571392348l/54499._SY75_.jpg|2971402]