A review by shellballenger
The Green Mile, Part 4: The Bad Death of Eduard Delacroix by Stephen King


Type of read: Weekend/Lunch time read.

What made me pick it up: King is a favorite of mine and at a recent visit to our McKay's Bookstore I found the entire 'The Green Mile' series in all of its beautiful short story glory.

Overall rating: I literally threw this book down when I got to the end. It made me so incredibly angry and had me so into the story and then BAM, done. And of course, I didn't bring the next chapter with me so I had to wait until that afternoon to read the next portion of the book. (First-world problems, I know). I'm very much enjoying revisiting 'The Green Mile' in this way.

Reader's Note: I also fully admit, I know I'm biased when it comes to books by Stephen King, they have been and always will be a favorite of mine. They are one of the first authors I look for when we go to bookstores and I absolutely love the fact that many of their books can perfectly fit on my person (either in my pocket, purse, or backpack) for everyday and extended travel.