A review by annisdead
An Education in Malice by S.T. Gibson


I put this down at the 60% mark. Sadly, it was not for me.

I don't think this book is bad at all; the writing style was beautiful, and the atmosphere was very lush and fit with the Gothic storyline.

The issue I had with it was that I've never really been much of a fan of classic literature, and this felt like classic literature (it is a Carmilla retelling, after all). The main characters focused a lot on their love of poetry, which I couldn't find in myself to care that much about.

I was also really sad about how little we saw of characters that weren't Laura, Camilla, or Defontaine. I like having casts of 4 or more characters. This book just left me feeling bored, and I couldn't find myself wanting to know how it ended.

This book and I were just not meant to be, and that's ok.

Thank you to netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review :)