A review by bethanyangharads
House of Salt and Sorrows by Erin A. Craig


Set in a wild coastal island, twelve sisters became less when mysterious circumstances lead to their deaths… or are they murders? Annaleigh is sure that her sister's deaths weren't pure accidents and tries to figure out who the killer is, all the while attending secret balls through a magical door, with her remaining siblings.

The atmosphere in this novel was quite evocative and was perhaps my favourite element of the story. The treacherous cliffs and coastal flora weren't romanticised too much, whipping up imagery of rugged beauty which respected the lay of the land.

Annaleigh and her sisters were giving me 'The Little Mermaid' vibes but more angst and I kinda liked that. The elements which felt a bit dull for me though, were the plot and writing style. Like always, this is so hugely reader preference but I couldn't help feel like a spark of something new was missing. Whilst the ending wasn't too predictable and the magical realism was a colourful touch, I couldn't find myself getting excited for the revelation of who the murderer was. The characters also felt a bit commercial in a way, there to do a job, and so the dialogue seemed forced. This links to the romantic subplot between Annaleigh and her love interest. It was quick burn and unconvincing for me.

I feel like I've just listed a bunch of 'bad' things, but in reality, I would still recommend this. If you enjoy fairytale vibey books with hints of darkness, or magical realism being a part of a murder mystery, this could be for you.

Triggers include death, depression, suicide, broken bones and other physical injuries, betrayal, stillborn baby