A review by wheresweaver
Creed by Lindsay Currie, Trisha Leaver


"But they soon discover that not everything in Purity Springs is as it seems. When the town's inhabitants suddenly appear the next morning, Dee, Luke, and Mike find themselves at the mercy of the charismatic leader, Elijah Hawkins, who plans to make Dee his new wife. Elijah's son, Joseph, offers to help them escape . . . but the price of his help may be more than Dee and her friends can bear."
When I first read the back of the cover I started thinking. "OK a horror story with mystery and suspense tied in," I thought wrong. I should have listened to reviews when I was looking at this book but I wanted to give this book a chance. I SHOULD NOT HAVE!! When I opened the book the only horror I found was the whole story line, characters and ending.

First off this book gave away what was happening from the very beginning. First off when there is a creepy town with no one in it. You DO NOT GO INTO THAT TOWN! That might be one of the first rules in a horror story. Once this happened I knew there was no hope for the characters. Next the characters follow a strange kid into a shed house after finding out that the town they are in might be filled with weirdos. Suspicious, well not enough for the characters to high-tail it out of there. The main character Dee feels sympathy for Joseph after hearing his story since she also grew up with a crazy father who almost sexually assaulted her. However you would think Dee's creepy meter would be on high alert not her sympathizer meter saying, "NO we should stay and help." RUN RUN RUN is what she should have been thinking!

This book just made no sense to me. I understand that if they hadn't had stayed there would have been no story but the story was so poorly thought out and the characters so STUPID I just couldn't handle it. Maybe this story could have been saved it it gave me the ending I wanted, no I NEEDED to have. Instead the ending I got was Dee is crazy and no one will ever believe her and the evil villain still stands. I will not spoil what happens to the other characters if you do decide to read this book I STRONGLY WARN YOU TO READ WITH CAUTION!

IN the end I was deeply disappointed by this story, however if you were still interested in this book just like I was the good thing about this book is it only took about two hours to read. I hope you tread with caution.