A review by xxjenadanxx
Summer Island by Natalie Normann


Summer Island is a cute little summer romance set in Norway, which I didn't realize but made me immensely happy as I am mildly obsessed with Norway. It *just* falls into the Enemies to Lovers trope, but that is pretty quickly resolved. In fact that is one of my criticisms of the book, the pacing is off, it pretty much goes from enemies to lovers to insta-love, well instantly. The last chapter or so moves especially quickly, which was really frustrating because it was essentially the whole point of the book and it was rushed. My other problem with the book is that the dialogue is pretty flat and matter of fact, there is no real expression, which kind of keeps the reader observing rather than experiencing the book. I liked the idea of Summer Island, and the setting,and its a good quick read but don't expect much more than that.

Thanks to Netgalley and the Publisher for providing me with a copy of the book to review.All opinions are my own.