A review by poorashleu
The Look of Love by Mary Jane Clark


Originally posted at Nose in a Book

I picked this book up for the cover. If I had shame I wouldn’t tell you that. Good for all of you I have no shame. I was in a book slump. Sad but true. You’d think with 300+ books in my waiting to be read queue, I wouldn’t have that problem. Sadly, it happened.

So when I was at the library last week I picked this up.Late one night I decided you know what, lets read it. Then the problem happened I got sucked into this book and the next thing I know it is two am and I’m reading a murder mystery and everyone is asleep.This book was a fast, quick, cozy read. I enjoyed it. It was the second book in the series, I haven’t read the first one and I still enjoyed it.

I want to know more about Piper and her struggling actress career who happens to be amazing at baking. I want to know more about her guy friend that she happens to be in love with yet spends most of the book in denial about their love. Piper is smart, caring, and she doesn’t fall for a lot of shit. She cares and yet she stands up for herself and doesn’t let people walk all over here. I related to Piper a lot more than I thought I would because we have next to nothing in common, but I shockingly related to her a lot more than I ever thought I would. Which was a lovely surprise.

I can’t recommend this book more for someone who is looking for a quick, fun mystery.