A review by bookishwonderlandco
Revenant by Larissa Ione


I was so excited to start this book because the previous ones leading up to it were absolutely fantastic. I was so thrilled to get my hands on this book because for the longest time I couldn't find it at Half Price Books or my local libraries, and alas, I finally got it.
My hype was not disappointed.
Revenant is just such a fascinating character and like all her characters I knew Ione would do an incredible job. Revenant is an extremely troubled character who just found out he is part of a much larger history, a history he didn't even know he had. Now he is confused as to where he stands, who to blame, and most of all, stunningly beautiful Blaspheme, who has had him captivated from the moment he first saw her. But of course, she has her own problems and Revenant only adds to them.
It was such a fun read watching all of these situations and issues play out. Once again Ione does an incredible job with the plot, characters, issues, just everything. I absolutely loved this book! It is definitely my favorite out of the series, and gives every reader what they want when they delve into one of Ione's novels. This is just such an amazing, fun, and well-thought-out world that Ione has created and I can't get enough of it! Unfortunately in the end of this book she says its the end for these characters for a little while, but she hopes to write about their children and their endeavors soon enough! I really can't wait until then!