A review by shellballenger
Game Changer by Neal Shusterman


Type of read: Commuter/Work Read.

What made me pick it up: One of the prompts for the Tennessee R.E.A.D.S. challenge for October is to read a book with an orange cover. Between the cover and the description, it seemed like a good fit.

Overall rating: I liked 'Game Changer.' There's depth to it and the plot is a bit twisty, turny, not quite sure what will happen next. I think my biggest complaint, and this is completely me because Shusterman was clearly working on this book way before, but it felt very much like 'Loki' with the timeline and the branching and pruning. Again, this is all very much me because 'Game Changer' was published before 'Loki' was available to view; however, it felt done before since I enjoyed these two pieces of media in the opposite order. Football is a main theme of the book, so if that's not your vibe, this might not be the book for you. Honestly though, 'Game Changer' was a good read, with some thought-provoking and hilarious moments, and I'd recommend it to those who enjoyed this style of book.

Reader's Note: 'Game Changer' includes themes of physical, mental, and emotional abuse along with racism, sexism, LGBTQIA+ relationships, homophobia, and hate crimes.