A review by burntotears
Sociopath by Patric Gagne


 Like Patric, the human condition has always been fascinating to me. But like most people, our interactions with those who have sociopathy is terribly limited, especially to what we see in the media and via true crime.

I hate that so much of the world sees psychopathy and sociopathy as one thing when there have always been differences and I think that Patric did a good job showing that in her book. It's hard to read as someone who is overly empathetic, because I hate that people have to grow up with this hanging over them. I also felt frustrated at times with how circular things could feel, as though Patric wasn't getting any better at being able to manage her diagnosis even when she worked so hard at it. I imagine that this is how people who are close to a sociopath feel a lot of the times and I'm sure that the frustration is equally felt for the person who is a sociopath because it's really hard to understand as someone who can't fathom not having these emotions.

Overall, a very interesting dive into a sociopath who wants to be a good person and I wish her all the luck in the future helping others out there like her but also in making more advancements in the field and hopefully pulling back that stigma that we've slowly started to do with other mental health disorders.