A review by crofteereader
The Anomaly by Michael Rutger


Adventure books aren't my normal style, though this was advertised as something else, that's what it was at its core. But - and this is a big but - it had so many things which I loved: suspense, horror, a fast pace, some wicked dialogue, and sci-fi level crazy stuff that was (if not perfectly explained) explained enough so that the narrator could put a satisfactory I-don't-know on it.

The main five characters were well developed and had believable reactions to the situation they were presented with. There were great one-on-one moments where the narrator (and, by extension, the reader) was able to really get to know the people he was with in very realistic ways.

The only things that were kind of disappointing: the wind-down at the end (but that's so hard to get right when the climax is so crazy and intense) was a little underwhelming, and the narrator knew a lot of things offhand that he probably wouldn't believably know at instant recall (though I can let that slide for suspension of disbelief).

Overview: this book was a wild ride and not for any of the reasons I expected. I would definitely recommend it to fans of adventure games, apocalyptic fiction, or sci-fi/horror