A review by lorrainelowereads
Normal People by Sally Rooney


4.5 stars

Normal People is my first time reading Sally Rooney and I was blown away by her writing talent. She can describe emotion so exactly, so distinctly that as you read you can feel that emotion yourself.⁣ I found Marianne and Connell to be two fascinating characters who Rooney brought to life so well, I felt like I knew them. Of course they are two sensitive souls for various reasons and I thought Rooney did a great job describing their individual mental health issues, how these issues affected their personalities and lives and how they began to deal with them.⁣

⁣There were some paragraphs that were so well written that I read them over and over so I could drink in every drop. And there were scenes where I was literally shaking with emotion myself, I was so wrapped up in these two characters.⁣

⁣Bravo, Ms Rooney. Will obviously be putting Conversations With Friends on my wish list immediately and then reading everything she cares to publish in the future.