A review by lauraborkpower
Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler


So much of this book has stuck in my head and pops up when I'm just going about my business. When this happens with a good book, like this one, it's a treat and signifies that I'll re-read this at some point. The forward by N.K. Jemisin explains her own discoveries during re-readings, and I look forward to having a similar experience (though I enjoyed this first read, unlike Jemisin).

I noticed between this book and Fledgling is the sexual relationship between girls and old/older men. I can't remember if this is true for Kindred, too, but I hope not. It really skeeves me out. Like, really. Reading this has inspired me to re-read that one, though, so I'll let you know.

I find Butler's writing straight-forward and I like that about her style. The story and plot are prescient and foretell a kind of future that I can see happening. It's both terrifying (for us) and exciting (for us to have her as a writer).