A review by doomkittiekhan
Namesake by Adrienne Young


I don’t say this often, but I think this is a completely useless sequel. This was a story coming off one of the most engaging YA novels I’ve read in a while - Fable. I expected to see a continuation and further growth of the two main characters, Fable and West, in this follow up story but unfortunately that didn’t manifest. For nearly 1/3 of the story the characters aren’t interacting with one another. Instead of creating more tension and anticipation in the plot, it tested my patience. The author provided lots of new windows into the world and exciting new characters, however, instead of adding layers of dimension to the story they instead felt like red herrings as none of them panned out to be of very much interest or relevance to the overall plot.

For example, we are led to believe that there is some underlying and important reason why Isolde (by the way, someone PLEASE tell the audiobook narrator how to pronounce this name) crewed with Sola. Something more than the fact that she wanted to leave her gilded cage in Bastian. This doesn’t go anywhere.

It is hinted at that the gem Midnight has greater depth and perhaps even mystical properties previously unmentioned in the first book and that it will be of significance in this story. This didn’t really go anywhere either except to a predictable ending.

The chemistry between Fable and West honestly felt painfully constructed this time around. I just didn’t buy it.

We didn’t even have the distraction of a solid plot to keep us focused on something else! The story seemed to go in every which direction, chasing minor details that may or may not be important. I missed the action and constant danger of the first story. The longing, the hurt, and the relief of finding safe harbor in the midst of trying to survive.

When I finished Fable I couldn’t wait to start Namesake because I wanted to see how Young would open up this world. I just think too much was rushed in this one and it compromised an otherwise promising sequel.