A review by mayajoelle
The Great Divide: A Lutheran Evaluation of Reformed Theology by Jordan B. Cooper


This was a better treatment than Wittenberg vs. Geneva: clearer, more thorough, and much deeper (which I appreciated as someone who is familiar with the basic doctrines of both traditions; I don't need someone to tell me "Lutherans and Calvinists disagree on Christology" but rather want someone to explain to me exactly *why*). Discussion was backed not only by Scripture but also by citations of theologians both ancient and modern. My mind wasn't changed by any of the book (though I was curious about some of Cooper's thoughts on sanctification); however, I do think it failed to answer the biggest questions I have. Perhaps I'd benefit from a conversation more than a book. My personal interest in the Reformed tradition has to do with very specific doctrines and theologians who aren't covered in depth in an overview like this.