A review by eggmeg
Rule of Wolves by Leigh Bardugo


OKay I have some thoughts. And they may not be coherent because I've JUST finished reading it and haven't had a chance to properly think.

My heart truly broke for Genya, I was pure sOBBING at David's death, and I genuinely had to take a day off from reading just to recover lmao.

HANNE??? AS KING OF FJERDA??? AND HER AND NINA LIVING HAPPILY EVER AFTER??? GOD TIER MOVE. NOTHING LESS THAN THEY DESERVE. Although I will say I was about to freak oUT when I thought Hanne was dead (the foreshadowing of her survival was so clever, I was just completely oblivious to it).

AND ZOYALAI. FINALLY. Zoya as a queen, in her own right and not through marriage- I am speechless. Absolutely the best outcome for the Ravkan throne. A Grisha queen??? A Suli queen??? Once again, God tier move. Her and Nikolai deserve evERYTHING.

I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the Darkling getting to save the day, but I think I liked it. It worked for his character, and with the goals he's always wanted, so I support that.

And finally, a Zoya-Alina-Genya reunion? Just. What. I. Wanted.

Okay one last comment- ARE WE GETTING MORE CROWS CONTENT??????