A review by paperprivateer
The Night World by Mordicai Gerstein


This review was published by The Children's Book and Media Review run by Brigham Young University.

Everyone is sleeping, but that doesn’t mean that there is a world of activity going on during the night. Sylvie the cat wakes up the boy to go out, so the two go through the house in the quiet night. The house seems like a different place at night, but outside Sylvie has something to show the boy. In the night world, there are shadows of plants and animals that seems different than they do in the day. Animals gather so that they can also experience the world of the sun coming up.

The illustrations of this book are the true joy of the story. The illustrations start out very dark and shadowy, making the reader feel like it is night no matter what time of day they are reading the story. The animals and plants are drawn mostly with simple outlines to emphasize the shadowy nature, and then slowly more color is added as the sun rises in the story and the world wakes up again. This beautiful book could be good for helping a child who is afraid of the dark, but anyone will enjoy admiring the unique illustrations.