A review by moonsai
Do You Dream of Terra-Two? by Temi Oh


So unpredictable. I had no idea how this would end. For fans of [b:The Deep Sky|61884842|The Deep Sky|Yume Kitasei|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1675082851l/61884842._SY75_.jpg|94970745]

-Beautiful story and complex characters.
-The science was well researched & well explained.
-Short chapters.
-I was gonna say there is a morally grey character, but I think they’ve gone beyond that. I’d say they're sociopath.

I wish it had fan art, and it was more popular.
I guess not every book can blow up but I really wish this one did. I think it fits into the “Formula” of books that are popular on booktok. I loved Dalton Academy, the solar storm scene & the air lock scene. I feel like this would be a good movie.

One of the main character name is Juno and there’s actually a NASA space probe orbiting Jupiter called “Juno”. I wonder if she names all her characters after real space projects but I’m too lazy to look that up.

Sometimes, I thought this was an adult book because, the writing was reflective and had more ‘lyrical’ prose however the book still had a lot of action, but in the book description it says YA.
At around 30% of the book most characters turned 18 ,so it could be argued that it is an adult book. It’s definitely a slower character-driven book.

Chapter 21 wow poppy’s backstory is one of the craziest backstories I’ve ever read :(

I was so sad when it ended. I feel like there is still so much of this story to tell, she could write a whole sequel but the author is working on another project :(

There’s not a lot of romance in this book and it doesn’t need it. I didn’t really care but at least it wasn’t insta love.
I don’t like the way the author writes intimate / sex scenes but they weren't really “sex scenes” since this is still a YA book.
Read the trigger warnings !

Some Quotes that I liked :

„LATER, THEY WOULD TELL her that sadness was a sickness. Poppy suspected that she’d caught it from her mother. She imagined that it had passed like poison from her breast milk, or had been woven into her genes from conception“

„Where his cells would not decay and he’d drift for eternity by icy moons (…) ,by star nurseries and the resplendent remnants of supernovae. Some part of him would be an eternal witness to the collapse and creation.“

„As Commander Sheppard would say, insh’allah“

„Astrid had noticed that he prayed five times a day on a mat he laid out in his bedroom“

„That the most distant stars could have burned out billions of years
ago, but still their light brightened the night sky. Cosmic proof for the existence of ghosts“

What I didn’t like: At the beginning all the characters were insecure which made them not distinguished from one another.
I forgot about Eliot's existence sometimes. He’d get a line of Dialogue and I remember he’s supposed to be on this ship too.

Also still can’t figure out which character that is on the cover.

Concept: ★★★★★ Characters: ★★★★
Pacing: ★★★★★ Feels: ★★★★★
Writing style : ★★★★★