A review by reading_historical_romance
Never Planned on You by Lindsay Hameroff

Did not finish book. Stopped at 45%.
I DNF'd this novel at 45% so I am not going to give it a rating. I did enjoy the author's writing style, but this one is not for me because I had zero respect for the MMC, Graham. Ali, you deserve so much better than what this
is offering.

Graham is, ultimately, a coward. He is engaged to his "best friend" (his words!) who was there for him during all of the hard times of the past decade of his life. He loves her, but he is not "in love" with her. I have no problem with that. My problem is that he won't man up and tell his "best friend" that he doesn't want to marry her, and that she deserves a partner who loves her. The author has made it clear that Graham's fiancee isn't in love with him either, and that he and Ali are fated mates. But here's the thing -- Graham's fiancee hasn't cheated on him in the narrative (at least up to the point that I DNF'd). By 45%, he has made out with Ali TWICE, hasn't confessed to his "best friend" about either encounter, and isn't man enough to do so or call off the wedding. For all I know, the fiancee could be cheating on him too, but as a reader, we're supposed to be rooting for Graham, and there is nothing to root for when it comes to *his* behavior.

Instead of taking accountability for his feelings and proudly taking Ali public, he takes the coward's way out with a ton of excuses as to why he can't tell the truth and "disappoint" everyone (including his mother, of course) by keeping her a secret. Ali, even if he hadn't kissed you (TWICE) he is emotionally cheating on his fiancee. Once a cheater, always a cheater. I wouldn't trust Graham not to do the same thing again in the future, but to you next time.

Both Ali and Graham's fiancee deserve so much better than this pathetic little man. I would have read this book and 5-starred it if both Ali and the fiancee dumped him and then got together themselves.