A review by whatisshelbyreading
Kinda Korean: Stories from an American Life by Joan Sung

challenging emotional hopeful informative inspiring sad tense medium-paced


Thank you Booksparks for a copy of this book. 

I really had high hopes for this one and I find it hard to rate someone’s memoir but this one was really frustrating to read. I had a hard time reading how she treated her parents. Again, this is her own story so obviously her feelings are her own and it’s how she viewed her life and the situations she was put in but it was frustrating. I appreciated that she did come around to seeing what her parents did for her, but that realization came at the last chapter. 

Idk as an Asian-American, and half-white (German) like her son, and half-Japanese, I just found this book to be so un relatable and far off from how I view the world and have grown up. Again, everyone is different, and I hope someone can connect through her book. I just was not the right audience I guess because it made me more frustrated how she couldn’t take ownership of her own actions and had to blame someone else every time.