A review by heisytrikis
Night Pleasures by Sherrilyn Kenyon


It wasn’t as good as I remember it, although I do feel love for Kyrian and Amanda because of the other books.

In this one, unlike Fantasy Lover, the story happens in a week(?) Or something like that. I know it's something I have to get used to if I wanna reread these books but still it bothers me.

I think this is the official first book for the dark hunters, is when they and a group of the characters of the others books are introduced. That meant a bunch of info dump, like A LOT. Or at least I felt it like that, seriously there were moments when one character just explained what something was to you. I don’t know, I just felt like there were others ways of explaining things.

Amanda is not my favorite main character from the series and it does bothers me that she went from wanting to have a normal and boring life, not wanting to do anything regarding her powers, wanting to marry a normal guy, etc. to be in love with a vampire in a week. I keep thinking the characters here get over things so quickly.

For Kyrian, he's fine… I guess, I don’t love him but I DO love his tragic backstory. That’s the best thing from this book. Just that. Well, actually no.

The best things from this book are: Nick Gautier and Acheron Parthenopaeus.

They are literally the best duo ever, I always loved their friendship even though in this book is barely there but still, I lived for the few moments when they mention each other.

And everytime Nick was there he just saved the moment from being boring, you don’t understand I love this man more than I love myself.

So, this book is great because of Kyrian's backstory, Nick and Ash.