A review by nostoat
Asunder by Kerstin Hall


I listened to this entirely on audio. I have not comfortably listened to an audiobook over 8ish hours in probably....ten years? This book is shockingly well paced for how long it is, and it works so well as an audiobook. It's a little meandering, it seems like it should feel slow but I never felt that way. Karys is so hassled by everything happening, I couldn't help but absorb some of that hassled feeling, that overwhelmed in-over-her-head, rushing against an invisible clock urgency, balanced against having to travel so far that you can only go so fast. Some of the side plots could have felt pasted on but they didn't! This book felt so cohesive and good. I loved it. It didn't feel 20 hours long at all. I listened to more than half of it in what felt like a blink. The characters are so compelling and I found them irresistible. They are so beloved to me, and their relationships are so real. Especially Karys and her childhood friend. What a well of shared pain and love and complicated everything there and it's handled SO well! Some might find the end of this book a bit startling and abrupt and I think that's fair but for me it just worked. Everything about this book just WORKED and I'm fascinated and enchanted by it. 

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