A review by yazthebookish
Goldfinch by Raven Kennedy


Endless 5⭐️'s - Thank you Raven Kennedy for gifting me an eARC of the final installment in the beloved Plated Prisoner series.

"The fae have a moment to gasp, to curse, to shout, but then I let my rot free. Let it reign. And it rules with pure tyranny, showing them exactly who I am."
— Goldfinch ✨

I've been following Auren on this journey when I picked up Gild and Glint in early 2021. That's three years and a half and since then I witnessed Auren's growth, pain, grief and happiness (even if it's short-lived) as the story progressed.

I eagerly waited every book release to have her back and live through Auren and see where the story will take her. Along the way, more characters made their way to my heart and their stories mattered to me too.

To realize this is truly the ending of her and Slade's story is actually devastating, not to mention the other key characters. It's a pain tinged with some relief now that I know how their story ends.

Goldfinch is the cathartic culmination of everything Raven has been building up in the past five books. For Auren. For Slade. For all the wonderful characters that came along the way, friends and foes alike.

The foreshadowing and the little clues trigger a series of plot twists and big moments that I was hoping for, and even some that completely caught me off guard (to my delight!!).

What began as a loose retelling of King Midas's myth expanded into an emotionally powerful and enthralling story of survivors carving their path in a world(s) torn by corrupt rulers with an insatiable hunger for power. Of women who did what they must to survive. Of people who yearned for their salvation. Of an all-consuming love between two fated souls who vowed to find each other in every lifetime.

Although you might be ecstatic about this being the conclusion of the series, but you won't be getting that closure easily. Not without getting your heart ripped out. Not without tears staining the pages (or let's say your kindle's screen). Not without grief and rage.

But... your heart *might* mend, your tears *could* dry (though I can't promise), you'll be rewarded one way or another—however, the stakes are extremely high and sacrifices must be made.

Death is inevitable.

Words cannot describe how extremely proud I am of Auren. Of who she was and who she becomes.

The heart of gold she carries was never tainted even after lurking amid corruption and evil for so long.

Her entire arc is incredibly empowering and in this book particularly, I was left in awe of her. Without spoiling anything, it all comes to full circle.

Slade Ravinger.
The male that you are.
Hero and villain.
He is willing to play any part for Auren.

When it comes to Auren, Slade upholds to no moral code and answers to no gods—Auren is his religion and life's purpose. She consumes his whole being.

Good luck to future book boyfriends trying to live up to the near-impossible standards this male set.

This is the book that will show you exactly why the Goldfinch and King Rot were made by the fates for each other.

So while I am utterly obsessed with Auren and Slade, the splendid cast of characters get their due (...or end) in this book.

Raven created such a wide cast of nuanced characters that feel alive to me. They're driven by their own ambitions, motivations and loyalties and their stories matter too. They all play a significant part in pushing the story forward, even some former foes and enemies. One character in particular left me filled with awe and whose journey I've been excited to follow through.

All these perspectives paint a full picture of the magnitude of the loss and tragedies that is about to strike them all.

But where there is despair, there's always hope.

This epic conclusion is everything I hoped for and more. Yes, even if I got hurt. These characters and this series will always have a special place in my heart.

Thank you once again Raven and I'd like to congratulate you for completing one of the best fantasy romance series of the decade. You truly have no clue of how much of a gift this series is to me and typing this is putting me on the verge of tears again. Thank you for giving me Auren, Slade, all these characters and this world ❤️

I truly hope this is not a final good bye to this world.