A review by dilemma
Then You Were Gone by Lauren Strasnick


I received an ARC of this as part of a giveaway. I really enjoyed most of the book--I was a lot more interested in Adrienne than in Dakota, which I think worked well because that is really what the book is about--but the characters don't all seem fully drawn or developed. I read another review of this saying this is more of a novella than a novel, and I agree.

I really enjoyed all of the character relationships, and I think that while not all characters are developed fully, they are presented in a smart way (I really like Sam). I think this is a lot did to Strasnick's writing style, which wouldn't work for all stories but seemed to work really well for this one.

(spoilers ahead)
There was one thing that really rubbed me the wrong way. At the end of the novel, Adrienne tries to make sure that Julian is no longer involved with Dakota. When she asks him, he says that he and Dakota are done, and then says, "I mean, the whole screwing-my-lit-teacher thing...?" and Adrienne laughs with "psychotic relief".

This just seems completely problematic to me. Yeah, I can see why Julian's annoyed Dakota was involved with another man, but that other man was her teacher who was an adult male and she was a minor who could not legally provide consent. That's statutory rape. Add on the fact that Dakota describes him as someone who "likes little girls" and all ambiguity of the teacher as a sexual predator vanishes. Dakota's involvement with an adult teacher who should have said no and who should not have forced her into saying yes is not a reason for Julian to turn her away. Her poor behavior toward him, her neglect of him, her manipulation of him--all valid reasons. But being the victim of sexual assault? That's not a fair judgment to pass.