A review by bookswithjax
A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas


This book utterly wrecked me!! Seriously I bawled my eyes out to the point of hiccups. Dramatic?!? Well yes, but omg it was a dramatic story and damnit I was INVESTED!!

So if your read my last review or follow me on bookstagram you’ll know that I didn’t particularly like ACOTAR. I like it more now that I’ve seen it’s purpose in laying out the groundwork for the series. However, it caused a huge delay in me finishing this series.

This book has a love like none other, friendship and family stronger than anything I’ve ever seen, evil so engrossing and detestable, and redeemable villains (sort of)!!! Suriel I’m looking at you!! Is Tamlin redeemed in the end.... ehhh I mean yeah I think so. He’s still an old school ass hat but not an evil one.

Feyre and Rhysand are goals baby!! Seriously they are goals. I spent the entire book holding my breath wondering which of my secondary characters was going to get the ax. I LOVE my secondary characters and these are no different. Talk about being terrified and ALLL the feels!

By the end of the book I had sobbed my heart out, took a real AF picture and posted it to my stories because people needed to see how good this book is!! Honestly I know ACOMAF seems to be everyone’s favorites. Probably because of the steamy steamy sex in chapter 55!! For me though, this was my favorite!! This was the story I needed to read and I highly recommend it.

I’m off to go read ACOFAS because I’m so late to this bandwagon there is another book in the series out!!! I’m a little concerned because it’s so tiny compared to the others haha.