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A review by adierose74
The Constantine Codex by Paul L. Maier


I occasionally come across a book that doesn't hold my attention, but I always try to finish what I've started. I could not do that with this book. I slogged through 67% of it and then gave up.

I found the writing to be melodramatic and condescending. Almost as if the author were speaking to a child. I understand that things have to be elaborated on, but the constant, "Are you trying to say.....?" and, "Oh, is this like....?" questioning drove me insane.

I am of Roman Catholic faith, and I felt that the author made subtly disparaging remarks about Islam throughout the book. While personal opinion is the very basis of writing, the remarks left me with a bad taste in my mouth. Were I Muslim, I would be deeply offended. As a matter of fact, I am offended as a Catholic.

A review previously made of this book said that it would probably only appeal to a very specific group of people. I don't know what that group is, but I agree with that reviewer.

If you, as I was, are expecting a book akin to The DaVinci Code, try something else. This is not it.